13 July 2014

Matters of Life and Death

Still looking for that 'oil painting' look.
This one was quite challenging, but it turned out fine, I think. Not 100% happy with it, but I felt like it was time to move on.
What do you think about it? Leave a comment and let me know! :)

07 April 2014


Quick sketch (20 min), made while listening to Bridge of Bones, by Crystal Fighters:

24 March 2014

Ice Dragon

My first spitpaint!
Just couldn't let such nice theme as an Ice Dragon go away without giving it a try ;)
I know that I tend to spend too much time on the details, so for this one I tried to plan everything on my head before actually start painting.
It's quite a good exercise, btw. Gotta try it more times.

15 March 2014

New website and some sketches

Hi everybody!
New website layout is up and running! Go check it out, and tell me what you think!!

Things are going quite busy here, and, unfortunately, there isn't much I can show you for now, besides these sketches:

Hopefully, soon enough, I'll bring some big news!